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"Emanuel De La Motta in New York, 1813-1815": A Rejoinder by Jeffrey Croteau.
A Response to Jeffrey Croteaus Rejoinder by Alain Bernheim, 33, & Arturo de Hoyos, 33, G.C.
Thomas Paine, Freemasonry, & Deism by Shai Afsai, M.M.
From Blind Mans Bluff to the Poor Blind Candidate: David Claypoole Johnstons Anti-Masonic Illustrations by Jeffrey Croteau.
Anti-Masonry & the Myth of the Jewish-Masonic Alliance in the English Catholic Discourse (1894-1935) by Simon Mayers.
The Curious Masonic Travels of Dr. Charles Gray, Assistant Surgeon, 2nd U.S. Cavalry by Michael A. Halleran, 3.
Co-Freemasonrys Survival of World War II by Karen Kidd.
The Knights of Columbus, Freemasonry, and Anti-Catholicism in California by Adam G. Kendall, 32, K.C.C.H.
New Lights on the Morin Patent & on the Rite of Perfection by Pierre Mollier.
Early Newspaper Accounts of Prince Hall Freemasonry by S. Brent Morris, 33, G.C., & Paul Rich, 32.
Anti-Masonry, Massachusetts State Law, & Building the Boston Masonic Temple by Olaf Kuhlke, 3, K.C.C.H.
Resolution Recognizing the United Supreme Councils, A.&A.S.R. of Freemasonry, P.H.A., S.J. and N.J., USA.
- Author
- Book Category
- Published Date
- Number of Pages
- Book Type
- Brent Morris
- Heredom
- 2014
- 358
- Hard Cover