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<p> Contents: The Two Rhetorics of Freemasonry, or On the Function & Necessity of Masonic Secrecy by Joshua Gunn;Batavia to Baltimore & Beyond: A re-examination of the William Morgan Story and Its Effect on Freemasonry by Stephen Dafoe;</p>
<p> He Served Seven Presidents: Benjamin Brown French by Tom Goeller;</p>
<p> Little-Known Documents about the Early Masonic Life of South Carolina by Alain Bernheim;</p>
<p> Is Freemasonry a Religion? Learning from a 19th-Century Masonic Debate by Tony Fels;</p>
<p> The Transmission of Esoteric Knowledge & the Origins of Modern Freemasonry: Was Mackey Right? by Mark E. Koltko-Rivera</p>
<p> Master of the Mysteries: The Secret Life of Manly Palmer Hall by Louis Sahagun;</p>
<p> Freemasonry in India: The Intersection of Hindu & Masonic Teachings by Naresh Sharma & Guy L. Beck</p>
<p> Gentlemen of the White Apron: Masonic POWs in the American Civil War by Michael A. Halleran</p>
<p> Contents: The Two Rhetorics of Freemasonry, or On the Function & Necessity of Masonic Secrecy by Joshua Gunn;Batavia to Baltimore & Beyond: A re-examination of the William Morgan Story and Its Effect on Freemasonry by Stephen Dafoe;</p>
<p> He Served Seven Presidents: Benjamin Brown French by Tom Goeller;</p>
<p> Little-Known Documents about the Early Masonic Life of South Carolina by Alain Bernheim;</p>
<p> Is Freemasonry a Religion? Learning from a 19th-Century Masonic Debate by Tony Fels;</p>
<p> The Transmission of Esoteric Knowledge & the Origins of Modern Freemasonry: Was Mackey Right? by Mark E. Koltko-Rivera</p>
<p> Master of the Mysteries: The Secret Life of Manly Palmer Hall by Louis Sahagun;</p>
<p> Freemasonry in India: The Intersection of Hindu & Masonic Teachings by Naresh Sharma & Guy L. Beck</p>
<p> Gentlemen of the White Apron: Masonic POWs in the American Civil War by Michael A. Halleran</p>
- Author
- Book Category
- Published Date
- Number of Pages
- Book Type
- R Hutchens, B Morris
- Heredom
- 2007
- 335
- Hard Cover