Contents: Understanding Manhood in America: The Elusive Quest for the Ideal in Masculinity by Robert G. Davis; A Visit With General Albert Pike by James Tresner; Presenting Freemasonry through a Public History Exhibition by Mark Tabbert; James Anderson: Man and Mason by David Stevenson; Is Freemasonry Afraid of Its Own Shadow? Masonrys Love/Hate Relationship with Esoteric Traditions by Jay Kinney; Parisian Masonry, the Lodge of the Nine Sisters, & the French Enlightenment by R. William Weisberger; In the Eye of the Hurricane: German Freemasonry in the Weimer Republic and the Third Reich by Ralf Melzer; Albert Pikes Address before the Grand Consistory of Louisiana by Michael Poll; Anti-Masonic Conspiracy Theories: A Narrative Form of Demonization and Scapegoating by Chip Berlet.
- Author
- Book Category
- Published Date
- Number of Pages
- Book Type
- Brent Morris
- Heredom
- 2002
- 394
- Hard Cover